The ACC Liverpool Group has been awarded Fair Employment Charter status.


The ACC Liverpool Group has been awarded Fair Employment Charter status.

The ACC Liverpool Group has been awarded Fair Employment Charter status.

The organisation has achieved the Aspiring Level of the Charter as part of the scheme led by Mayor Steve Rotheram to ensure that the Liverpool City Region is a fair place to work or run a business in.

It recognises employers with good working conditions such as paying the Real Living Wage; providing opportunities for staff to develop and progress; encouraging flexible working; providing mental health support; commitment to creating an inclusive workplace and prioritising employee wellbeing.

Lynsey Watson, director of people at The ACC Liverpool Group, said: “We are delighted to achieve the Fair Employment Charter and to be playing our part in building a healthy, fair, inclusive and just Liverpool City Region.

“We are passionate about providing a great place to work, where our employees feel supported and respected and can thrive in their careers and importantly in their lives too. That is why we place great importance on our people plans and initiatives including our employee experience programme, our wellbeing strategy, our E&D initiatives and our people objectives that sit within our social value impact plan.

“We value our team and are committed to creating a happy, healthy and productive workplace.”

Steve Rotheram, Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, said: “Being properly paid for the work you do in decent, safe conditions should be the absolute minimum any of us expect when we go to work. Developed in partnership with our trade unions, my Fair Employment Charter wants to guarantee it.

“Since its introduction, our region now offers more stable employment than anywhere else in the country which is a clear sign of the change we’re making. The Charter is about highlighting and promoting good employers who do the right things - and we know that there are plenty of them in our region.

“I want our area to be known as the best place in the country to live, work, or run a business – and the more businesses we can encourage to join us on this journey, the faster we can make that ambition a reality.”

To find out more about what its like to work at The ACC Liverpool Group, click here.